Music has always been a part of my growing up days. I couldn’t really remember when it all started but I do remember taking electric organ classes when I was around 7 – 12 years old. I think. I remembered going to Yamaha Centre in Taman Pelangi and then I had private classes with an organ teacher in Stulang. What’s her name eh, Yan? My sister, Yan was also taking classes and she’s way better than me.
I stopped taking the classes when I started highschool. I was in a boarding school, which eventhough was 15 minutes drive to my home; I wasn’t allowed to go home except on certain weekends – 10 weekend-outings each year. Or maybe 12. Hhmmm... I couldn’t really remember. Anyways, apart from the school’s education excellence, the school’s marching band had a great reputation. It was the most talked about and respected school band in the state of Johor; and probably Malaysia! Hehe... Ahhh.. Those were the days... Yeah, I was a member of the school band. My whole highschool years were literally so much fun and memorable because of the school band. I was at first a bit scared and not really sure if I should join. I even asked Yan if she thinks it’s a good idea for me to try out. She was a band member herself after all. She didn’t really say anything. I ended up deciding for myself. I guess back then, she was like a super senior (she was in her final year of highschool) while I’ve just started highschool; I don’t know if she really wants to be seen talking to me?! You know, probably it’s not cool or something. Haha! Seniority was like a very big thing then. At least in my school it was. I used to be terrified of the seniors; even those a year older than me. Huhuhu... Nowadays, the school band is not as what it was then. Sad, but I guess there’s not much I can do about it. I wish I could. *Sigh*
Great moments!!!

After highschool, I wanted to join the Uni’s orchestra but it was not open to students who are not doing a music course. I was a bit sad; disappointed mostly. It was not until I was finishing my MSc that an orchestra club was formed and opened to all students. But by then, I was too lazy to care. Even so, I was always a sucker for band competitions, battle of the drums, cheer!, orchestras, dance shows, musicals and anything that can make me move... Hehehe... I was also into theatres and plays. However, being a student, it was always a free one or at a minimum cost. Heh... It was always fun nonetheless. =)
Along the years and until now, music was one of my best buddies. An escape to a world of no worries, a shoulder to cry on, my dance partner ;), a splash of hope, romantic dreams, a bright smile, a wish come true, a lullaby of restless nights, a lab-work friend, an inspiration, and my loyal study mate in the early mornings, late nights or any time of day. It was also what breaks the ice between me and my dearest on our first meeting... Ahaksss!! ;)
Ah yes... I was also very lucky to have been invited by my friends in Brisbane to join them for the Multicultural Festival. It was a while ago – 18th October. Thanks Aina for remembering me! It was last minute but I’m glad I’ve decided to go. Su was torn between her cosy room and the fest. She opts for the former but K. Maz was happy to come with us. Well, it was going to be the two of them if I decided not to go. As usual, it was a great day out! Of course there were great musical performances and guess what?! Yummy food!!! Hehehe...
Irish music....
Great company!!!
Cheers! =)
a bubbly entry ;) neat!
I was in a marching band too! Slalu dlm citer2 high school chick flicks, band members mesti geng2 nerd / weirdos je... hahaha... NOT!
Satay masa festival tu tak begitu yummy ah. But I like that whatisitcalled deep fried cucur with honey thingy... hohoho
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