Thursday, March 1, 2012 | By: Wa@Wawek@Siti ;)


I know! It's been a while. Huhuhu...
It's been a while since I had the chance to be online long enough to really check my emails, read blogs and reply facebook massages. So, posting a blog entry is just impossible. But this morning, I have checked and replied my emails, replied facebook messages and managed to blog hopped a bit. I even had the time to find some references for my research, had a lil bit of a read and printed them out. Woohoo!!! Cemerlang u! Heh... Aariz? Fast asleep on my lap as I go about on the computer. Oh, we're at the Graduate centre. Been here since 6 am this morning. Did a quick stop at the lab while Mr.Hubby looked after Aariz at the carpack. He then went to work. We left the house at 5.15 am! Huhuhu...

Anyways, since Aariz's emergency visit to the hospital, we had friends over and went fishing along the river in front of our house (twice), we went home to Malaysia for 2 weeks for my sister's wedding, watched a lot of DVDs at home (and stayed home on off days because Mr.Hubby and I were too tired to do anything else!) and spent time in Uni at odd hours. Huhuhu... Aariz though is doing a lot of new things. By 8 months;

He's sitting well without support.
Although there was a few occasions when he'll just lose his balance resulting in a small bump on his head.
He's crawling!
He kinda pushed himself forward for 2-3 weeks to move around until he was able to actually crawl. He did some bottom shuffling too then. Hehe...
He was also able to push himself up to a standing position on furnitures.
Exciting at first for Mr.Hubby and I but it then became a lil bit scary until now we just got used to it. Yeah, falls are truly inevitable nowadays. Huhuhu...
He's quite talkative!
Making lots of cooing, mumbling, and all sorts of sounds whenever he feels like it. Wonder where he gets it from?! Heh..
He has 2 bottom teeths!
Ouch?!!! Huhuhu...

Aariz's up! I should probably continue this next time. Soon. I hope. Heh...

Till next time.
