September 23
The day I reached Coolangatta, Gold Coast. I had 2 weeks of time off from Uni and spent it at home, Malaysia. It didn't feel like 2 weeks, more like few days! Huhuhu... :-(
Thought of going to the lab right after I reached Sunny Coast, but opt on staying home instead. Blame it on the holiday mood! Heh... I went to the lab the next day anyways and yeah, my dear supervisor decided to take sick-leave the day I came back, and she's still on-leave for another 2 weeks. I was a bit lost!!! *Sigh*
I've planned to work in the lab that weekend but I got sick. Excruciating pain; similar to my period pains/cramps all night, Saturday. Couldn't take it anymore, went to the clinic on Sunday morning. $70 for a consultation??!!! Huhuhu... I had an infection. Astaghfirullah... Felt better and was in the lab the following Monday and Tuesday but I felt sick again and went to the clinic on Wednesday afternoon. (Thanks, Denni! You're my life saver.) It turned out that the previous antibiotic prescribed couldn't kill the bacteria infecting me. The bacteria was resistant to the antibiotic! After a few doses of a different antibiotic, I was feeling much better. Hope that was the only time I'll have to go through any UTI!
October 4
Desperately trying to get my working momentum full-on again!
Work! Work! Work!
Study! Study! Study!
Cook! Cook! Cook!
East! Eat! Eat!
Hehehe... ;-)
October 10
Just because it was 10.10.10
October 12
I was 9 days late. There was one time when I didn't have my periods until the 36th day. About a week late. My periods came the day I decided to buy a home pregnancy test. Huhuhu... This time around, Mr. Hubby said I should take the test, immediately! Being a good wife, I did as told the next morning. I was pretty nervous. The results;
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Two lines??? Couldn't remember if this was the 1st or 2nd test. Yes, I did 2 tests. Huhuhu... |
Errrr.... What's next???!!! Told Mr. Hubby and I immediately went to the clinic.
It was a bit funny. I told the Doctor that I did 2 home pregnancy tests and the results were positive. And then he said "Positive pregnancy tests? Well, you are pregnant then!" WTH? Hahaha!! He asked me if I was experiencing morning sickness (which I don't.. Alhamdulillah..), sore and tender boobs (itchy too!!!), frequent trips to the toilet (maybe not yet??) and feeling more tired than ever all the time!!! Huhuhu... I was weighed, got my blood pressure checked and I was sent to the pathology lab for all sorts of testing. The Doctor said in 2-3 days, if there's any problem, they'll call me. It was nerve-wracking! No calls from the clinic till Friday, October 22 (about 2 weeks after the tests). Had an appointment on Monday (October 25) and all's good. Alhamdulillah... Next appointment; November 23.
Oh and yes, I received a card! All the way from the States. Again, I almost cried!! I miss you so much, Ellie! When can we Skype again??
October 26 - November 23
Apart from labwork, 3MT competition, confirmation seminar and school/Uni stuff, I was starting to get use to being pregnant (so i thought! huhuhu...). Not as tired as the first few weeks, but definitely still need at least 8-10 hours of sleep. Was starting to experience headaches (really bad ones at times; berdenyut2!!!). It was probably because of stress, didn't eat as soon as I got hungry, spent too long in front of the computer or just being too tired. I was 11 weeks when I went for the next Doctor appointment. He just asked some standard questions about my pregnancy and arranged for me to have my 12-14 weeks scan.
Apart from labwork, 3MT competition, confirmation seminar and school/Uni stuff, I was starting to get use to being pregnant (so i thought! huhuhu...). Not as tired as the first few weeks, but definitely still need at least 8-10 hours of sleep. Was starting to experience headaches (really bad ones at times; berdenyut2!!!). It was probably because of stress, didn't eat as soon as I got hungry, spent too long in front of the computer or just being too tired. I was 11 weeks when I went for the next Doctor appointment. He just asked some standard questions about my pregnancy and arranged for me to have my 12-14 weeks scan.
November 28 - December 10
Fera came to the Coast and was by my side for my scan. The scan... I was speechless. Although it was a bit challenging as I was trying to hold it in all through the scan. Talking about a full bladder!!! Huhuhu...
I was banned from the lab right after I told my supervisor I'm pregnant. The lab people are doing a risk assessment for me to work in the microbiology lab. And yes, I miss the lab eventhough it has only been a few days.
Went to the Doctor yesterday to discuss the outcome of the scan and blood tests. From the measurements of the lil un, as of November 30, I'm 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant. They also measure the Nuchal Translucency and it shouldn't be a worry. InsyaAllah... It's something to do with chromosomal abnormality diseases risk assessment; probability of having a Down Syndrome baby, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Nowadays, I have to make sure I pack enough food to Uni and not let myself get hungry. Nasty tummy aches if I get hungry! I've only vomitted twice; ate too much and didn't let all the food to fully digest before getting on a car through a rollercoaster kinda road, and drank 500 ml of water in 30 seconds. Huhuhu... Hopefully I wouldn't vomit anymore. I really need to remember to eat and drink slowly. My bum starts to feel sore; sitting too long, when walking too much or it just gets sore whenever it wants to. Huhuhu... I also get brief cramps when I sneeze or cough and when I try to sit up quickly while lying down. I think I just have to slow down and take my time. Betol tak??? Huhuhu.... Oh yes, I can't walk as quick as I used to and I feel so fat!!! Haha! Ultimately, I feel that I'm more sensitive. Super sensitive. Get offended and teary very easily. *Sigh*
Anyways, today, the Sunbus drivers decided to go on a strike. Walk to Uni? I would if I can. Therefore, I'm WFH (working from home). Hehehe... (Pina, my eldest sister's favourite quote). Well, better get back to work.
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