Monday, November 8, 2010 | By: Wa@Wawek@Siti ;)

~ for the rest of my life ~

I feel so blerghhhh!!! Been emotionally unstable; get sad easily, get all teary in a second... Especially when I think of my Mr. Hubby; face suddenly feels hot, like blood rushing to your cheeks and all over your face and the next thing you know, tears start to build up in your eyes. Urghhh!!! I'm actually crying as I'm writing this! I'm blaming it on the stress of doing research and the song For the rest of my life by Maher Zain that I'm currently listening to. That's it! No more sad songs or stories for me! Huhuhu...

Can't help missing Mr. Hubby though! :'(

Apologies for such a blerghhh entry!



Nur H said...

Love the song too...! selalu perasan Aji akan dedicate this song for me..he he he

u take care girl. Setiap kesusahan, pasti ada kemanisan..

fazilah:g said...

Fera will be there in a few days kan.

Take care wawek !!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you are feeling better now. Take care wawerq!

Wa@Wawek@Siti ;) said...

Thanks everyone!! Hugsssss!!