By noon, we were home at Intan, Su and Aina's place in St. Lucia. It's where I've always spent my nights if I was to stay in Brisbane. They are always ever so welcoming. Thanks guys!!! They then told me of the plan for the day. Well, we actually just stayed home for the afternoon and I eventually had a very nice nap on the living room sofa for a bit. Heh...
We went to a Ramadan Bazaar (food market held during Ramadan) in UQ. It was not as big as the ones back home but I liked the food anyways. Haha! Surprise surprise!
We also had an iftar invitation at a friend's place in Taringa. Thanks K. Maz!!! She single-handedly prepared all the food for us. Nasi lemak (Rice cooked with coconut milk), RENDANG, ayam goreng berempah, sambal tumis udang and rojak buah as desserts with lots of oranges! I, personally say it was a birthday dinner celebration for me. Haha! PERASAN!!! Look at all the food!!!
We prayed together, ate, talked, laughed, inspected K. Maz's apartment, watched tv and eventually had to make our way home. It was truly a great night. Thanks so much to our hostess for the night, K. Maz.
Iftar on the next day was quite exciting. Well, I didn't really know what to expect but I'm just happy to spend the time with my friends. There was a large crowd and we stayed until the Terawikh prayers ended.
All and all, I would definitely want to do it all again. Jom makan! Hehehe... I enjoyed myself very much and was so delighted to meet all of my friends and also made some new friends. My many thanks to everyone!!! May God bless you all!
PS: I shall post all the pictures soon on my facebook. InsyaAllah. (Kalau tak pun, mintak la kat Aina..Haha!)
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