The unpredictable Sunny Coast weather. It's really hard to predict what you'll get each day. I remembered few weeks before winter, we had storms and rains almost everyday. Some areas in the Coast experienced massive flooding but lucky for us here, we were fine. I just had to endure having my shoes and everything else on me wet eventhough I carried an umbrella. Oh well. I don't really hate it though. I kinda like when it's raining. Weird, huh? I guess I just love the sound of the rain and the coolness it brings. Getting comfy under the covers and reading a book on rainy days. Ahhh..I just love it! However, if it gets too much like you can hear thunders roaring, see lightnings on the sky and it's as if there's going to be a bad storm like what I'm experiencing right now; I get really scared! Huhuhu... And I guess I should turn off my computer??? Hrmmm...
Just a quick note on last week's highlight; My roomie, Ellie's 21st birthday dinner..
Location: Augello's Mooloolaba
Date: 2 September 2009
Time: 7:30 PM
Food: YUMMY!! Heh... :)
Conclusion: AWESOME!!! ;)
....Me & Denni....

....Salad for Ellie & me....

...Birthday girl with our Pizza...

....Birthday treat from Augello's....

Can't wait for Malaysian food though!!! Ahaksss... ;)
correction please.."getting comfy under the covers with my 'bantal busyuk"... hehehhehe...
Hahaha!!! Mane tau nih???
huh??? salad????? :p
Avocado & prawn salad la Yan...pastu kitorg share pizza tu skali...hehe..
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