7 August 2010
My supervisor planned for us to go water sampling today. In hopes of finding
Monsieur Phages, we went all around Kawana, Caloundra, Alexander Headland and Maroochydore. We started at 1 pm and it was 6 pm by the time we arrived back in Uni. I accepted my supervisor's offer for a ride home and surprisingly, she treated me dinner. Four-cheese-pizza and mushroom risotto at
il secondo, an Italian restaurant in town. Yummmmm-my!!! I supposed it's a really nice treat after a long and tiring day. But then I got to thinking... maybe it's for me to work harder?! Huhuhu...
PS: remember to ask dear supervisor for the photos she took during sampling...
8 August 2010
Eventhough it's a Sunday, I'm at the lab by noon. Processing all the samples took longer than I expected and so, I wasn't home until 7.30 pm. Although, just in time to watch
Talkin' 'bout Your Generation. It's an Oz TV Game Show on Channel 10. I can't get enough of it! What
gen are you? Heh...
9 August 2010
It's getting harder and harder for me to get out of bed in the morning!!! I've tried sleeping really early (staying up late sure doesn't help), but I still end up getting ready and catching the 9 or 10 am bus to Uni. What's happening to me??!!! Huhuhu...
10 August 2010
I was confident that Muslims in Queensland and the whole of Oz is going to start fasting tomorrow just because Malaysians are going to be doing so. I was in such a rush today to get my labwork done so that I can do my groceries shopping. There's nothing to eat at home. None. Zilch. I bought rice, bread, vegies, fruits and smoked salmon.
Note to self: Need to get chicken or beef soon!
Ramadhan Mubarak!!! :-)
11 August 2010
It was kinda easy to wake up for
Sahur today. A phone call at 4 am from Mr. Hubby was a definite
power booster for me to get up! Hehe... I tried so hard to stay awake after my morning prayers but to no avail. I went back to sleep and was only in the lab by 11 am. *
Sigh* Oh well, I did do what I needed to and oh yeah, it's not Ramadan in Oz just yet. After a phone call and some readings, I decided to keep on fasting and treat it as a
Sunat (
Praktis2!Huhuhu..). There was also an early pleasant surprise in the mail! Birthday cards from Mama & my sister, Limah from Malaysia. Smiles all night and everytime I looked at them (
Macam budak2!!!Heh..).
Miss my Mama!!! Oh, Limah kept reminding me of my age in the card. I hate U!! Hehe.. No heart feelings??!! :p |
Ramadhan Mubarak!!! ;-)
12 August 2010
I woke up for my
Sahur with my eyes barely opened. Huhuhu... And then I found out I don't have to fast after all. *
Sigh* I was wide awake at 6 am and my body starts to feel funny. I was kinda aching all over. Luckily I made the decision to stay in bed and not go to the lab today. I had excruciating period pains and cramps. It got worse in the late morning and the early afternoon. I was fine later on but the idea of going to Uni at 3 pm seems like a little bit waste of time. I stayed home, read some school stuff and I started to read a long overdue book;
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm halfway through India. Can't wait to watch the movie!
13 August 2003
My heart can't take it anymore and thus my mind made the decision to buy a mobile broadband modem. Now I can Skype at home and see the handsome, cute and funny face of Mr. Hubby every night!!! I was having a tiny meltdown this morning though. Had to wait an hour to finally be able to get my hands on the modem and when I brought it home, I had trouble setting it up! I cried in the living room in front of my laptop! Hahaha! What??!! Anyways, I then called the service support line but had to go back to the shop to get it fixed. Luckily the service technician was very friendly and helpful. Everything was all sorted out in less than 20 minutes. Thank you, Drummond! Because the chaos took up all morning, I was a bit behind on my work in the lab. Oooppppsss! My bad! But I did managed to catch up and get the important stuff for the day done. I also had a meeting with my supervisor and we sorted some things in the lab together. My supervisor gave me a picture today. A transmission electron microscopic picture of
Monsieur Phage that previous student manage to isolate (he stopped halfway through the project). Why am I having such a hard time to find it?!! *
Sigh*I had another meltdown, again! This time, it was in the lab in front of the Biosafety cabinet. Don't worry, I was alone.
Monsieur Phages... Vous etes ou??? |
On a happier note, I have a parcel to be collected. I'd probably go to the Post on Monday. Wonder who sent it?!!
What could it be??!!! T_T |
14 August 2010
It was a long day today. I went to the lab around 9 in the morning and did some work. Then I realized I need to get some sea water for a new method/technique of isolation I want to try. At first, the thought of carrying bulky and heavy bottles of sea water is just impractical and unbearable (
ngada2!!!huu..). Then I found these bottles.
1 L plastic bottles. Tiny, light-weight and very practical! |
I decided to get some sea water right away and come back to the lab to filter and autoclave them. I ended up at home though. Haha! Well, I did collect the sea water. It was from across the street from my place. Sea water = Salt water, right? :-)
I took some water near the water banks around here. It's very near the bus stop so that I can catch the bus easily! ;-) |
I was in the lab again by 3 pm. I underestimated how long it would take to filter the sea water. It's pretty time consuming and on top of that, I still have to prepare everything else for the experiment. I did however finish what I needed to do and managed to catch the 8 pm bus home. After 2 pieces of salmon-avocado-melts, I had a Skype session with Mr. Hubby! Miss him heaps!!! Really glad we can
see each other now. Huhuhu...
A summary of a week's happenings in a form of a diary. Cool, huh? Love how you can insert photos as you write! Haha!
Hhhmmm... I should really go to bed now. Have to be in the lab tomorrow and continue with the experiments. Oh yeah, there'll be an Open Day for USC tomorrow. Been watching the lab techies preparing posters, equipments and apparatus for the School and listening to my supervisor talk about how fun it's going to be. Pretty exciting stuff, huh?! Wonder where I was during the open day last year?? Anyhow, will definitely make time to join them tomorrow (nyibokkk!!!!hehe..).