Monday, January 10, 2011 | By: Wa@Wawek@Siti ;)

Mother Nature

"How the hell are you going to Uni??"

That was the question right after I told Linda where I was heading to this morning. Linda and Helen (Linda's sister) were busy packing up sand bags. I wanted to help earlier but Linda won't let me. So, I decided to go to Uni for a bit, check up on my bacterial cultures, check my Uni e-mail and get some experiments up and going. That was the plan. But just as I was getting off the bus, I heard on the bus driver's radio that Bradman Avenue is closed. Huh?!! That's where I live! But then again Bradman Ave is quite a long road. Hope all is still fine up to where I live. Linda  did mentioned of flood warning as the Maroochy river is rising as we speak. And high tide could possible make that happen later tonight. We had quite a bit of storm last night and the rain didn't really stop since yesterday morning. Goshh!! That is a lot of rain! And it is happening all over the Sunshine Coast.

Okay. I think I better get ready to go home now.

Who could deny the power of mother nature, eh? God is Great! SubhanAllah. Hope all will be safe.



Muna Zaen said...

take care safe..with ur condition n all, semoga Allah swt melindungimu..